Fred Byus

Underwater Innovation: A Sailor's Perspective

A Talk by Rear Admiral Fred Byus USN (Ret.) (Prior Chief Oceanographer, United States Navy)

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About this Talk

Admiral Byus will talk about his journey through the Navy, eventually becoming Chief Oceanographer (where he lived next to the Vice President of the United States). He then led Battelle's Mission and Defense Business Technologies Unit.

19 March 2020, 01:30 PM

01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

About The Speakers

Fred Byus

Rear Admiral Fred Byus USN (Ret.)

Prior Chief Oceanographer, United States Navy

He is a Presbyter of the National Capital Presbytery, and Chairman of the National Presbyterian Church Adult Education Committee. He recently completed serving as a Ruling Elder of National Presbyterian Church in Washington, DC. Education: B.S. Marine Engineering, U.S. Naval Academy Master of Engineering Management, George Washington University Other Education/Training: National Security Management, Maxwell School, Syracuse University Leadership at the Peak, Center for Creative Leadership, Colorado Springs, CO Executive Business Course, Haas Business School, University of California at Berkley, US Naval Post Graduate School Finance for Executives, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago