Gary de Rodriguez

Calming the Inner Storm in the Pandemic

A Talk by Gary de Rodriguez (Founder, Unblock)

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About this Talk

The power of our mindset and attitude is perhaps the most potent competency we could develop during a worldwide crisis. There is a calling to develop the best expression of each and every one of us to contribute more, create unbreakable connections, support others and unify as a nation. Within this presentation are skills from the science of human excellence to harness the power of your mind, your emotions and strengthen your resolve to stay strong. You will learn techniques for dealing with isolation if quarantined, keeping your mental health optimal and communicating with loved ones more authentically, strengthening and deepening an your connection. It is time for self-leadership to take front and center stage in our focus, so our thoughts, words and actions are congruent with our deepest held values and we build the trust within ourselves and others to LEAD.

31 March 2020, 06:00 PM

06:00 PM - 07:00 PM

About The Speaker

Gary de Rodriguez

Gary de Rodriguez

Founder, Unblock