Jonathan Hard
Chief Executive Officer, H2L Solutions, Inc.
About this speaker
Jonathan Hard is the CEO and President of H2L Solutions, Inc. (H2L). H2L specializes in Cyber & Information Assurance and provides Cyber Security solutions for government and commercial customers. Jonathan is a sought after speaker in the field, and has presented to Infragard, ISACA, ASIS, NCMA, NCMS regional conference and many other events on the subject of Safeguarding Covered Defense Information in compliance with DFARS 252.204-7012 clause and CMMC.
Jonathan has been an information technology and security professional since 2008. Prior to founding H2L, Jonathan served as a Cyber Security Engineer in the Defense Industry. He also was in the Alabama National Guard for 12 years; during that time, he graduated from Infantry Officer Basic Course, Ranger school, Airborne school, and completed a tour in Iraq as an Infantry officer.
Jonathan maintains active involvement in several community service organizations including position on the Board of Directors of The Harris Home for Children, the Huntsville Association of Small Business in Advanced Technology (HASBAT), the Woman’s Business Center of North Alabama (WBNCA), and the American Cancer Society’s Summer Lights Gala Event. He received his degree in Business Management from the University of Alabama in Huntsville and continues to have a strong relationship with the University.