Eric Jenkusky
Launch CEO & Co-Founder, Matrix Meats Eric Jenkusky holds degrees from Delhi College and Excelsior College in management and Certificates from the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in Public Health Emergency Preparedness and the University of Southern Mississippi in Sports Event Security Management.
About this speaker
With 25+ years of defense and homeland security experience, Eric Jenkusky is focused on assisting law enforcement and military as they relate to forward projected operations, operator personal protection, mass casualty incidents, mass decontamination, disaster recovery and counter-terrorism/counter-narcotics operations.
Eric currently serves as the President of Matrix Meats, LLC and for T.J. Clark International, LLC.
Most recently he has led his team in providing equipment and services for US Special Operations Command in Iraq, Afghanistan and Djibouti.
Eric was a consultant and service provider to Paramount Pictures with the on-site production of Season Two of Amazon Prime's "Jack Ryan" series. His company provided aviation and medevac services to Paramount while filming in the jungle of Colombia and on the Magdalena River.
In 2017 T.J. Clark International provided the security, housing, transportation and hanger space for two (2) United Nations helicopter teams stationed in Colombia in support of the Peace Accord between the Colombian Government and the FARC Communist Guerillas. Eric has been assisting the DEA in Colombia and Peru with operational equipment to protect their agents and our in-country partners in the field. Previously Eric was the Director of Sales for Latin America at Avon Protections Systems tactical respirator business where he established the first ever Latin America Police Special Operations Competition. Prior to Avon Eric served as the Program Director for Counter-Terrorism and Disaster Preparedness at Tactical and Survival Specialties, Inc.
Eric has worked extensively with such organizations as the US Army, Israeli Defence Forces, Policia Nacional de Colombia Special Operations and Jungle Commandos, Policia Nacional de Peru Special Operations, NYPD Emergency Services Unit, US Secret Service, US Department of State Diplomatic Security Service, the US National Guard WMD Civil Support Teams and the US National Guard CBRNE Enhanced Response Force- Package Teams.
Eric has guest lectured at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health on Mass Casualty Response Best Practices, the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency on Resilient/ Interoperable Emergency Communications and at Defence Research & Development Canada (DRDC) on US Department of Defense Contracting Practices.